I’ve Been Where You Are

If my health journey sounds familiar,
then you’re in the right place to forge your healing path.

Figures it was a Monday…

I was 39 and starting year two of full-time chiropractic school with three young kids immersed in sports and other activities. Finding time for family favorites like hiking, biking, and camping was tough, but I’d finally taken that leap of faith away from what I had to do and into what I wanted to do; life felt SO BUSY and SO RIGHT.

Until I work up Monday morning and couldn’t feel the right side of my body.

Fear, shock, disbelief, anger…I bet you can add a few words! And maybe, like you, I was healthy!  I rarely got sick, ate well, exercised, took supplements, and saw a chiropractor regularly. Yet there I was, suddenly rushing to a hospital.

Who has time for injections and flu-like symptoms that won’t cure you? Not me. (Probably not you, either.)

I had a new purpose: reverse my Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, then help anyone anywhere do the same thing.

Fast forward to my 50s, and I’m thriving because I:

  • Refused my prognosis

  • Rejected pharmaceuticals

  • Hid my symptoms and decided to get well no matter what

  • Used the answers in my blood to help my body heal itself

Yes, of course, it was hard, sometimes even frightening! Maybe like you, I didn’t want family or friends to see me debilitated.

And it was elating when I started healing. I eliminated whatever interfered with my body’s natural state and got well. I’m healthier than ever, even though MS was supposed to kill me by 49.

Now I live without limitations and work to discover the interferences holding others back from pain-free lives.  Don’t let your symptoms or a diagnosis trap you, fill in the contact form and start a healing journey.

Multiple Sclerosis & Autoimmune Disorders

Did you know that multiple sclerosis (MS) means your body’s immune system is attacking its own tissues? 

Autoimmune disorders like MS can be life-changing, crippling, or even fatal.

But they don’t have to be!  

Fatigue & Brain Fog

Being tired makes sense,

especially after demanding

physical or mental activity. 

Unforgiving fatigue

or brain fog are unbearable,

and solvable problems.

I’m tired of being tired!

Toxicity & Detoxing

We might not realize the unhealthy chemicals and toxins constantly bombarding us, bringing unwanted non-specific illnesses, depression, and even debilitating diseases into our lives.

Detoxing is one way to feel better, but you have other choices, too.

I want to feel better ASAP!

Weight Loss Resistance

  • I can’t lose weight.

  • I’m eating healthy, but my clothes don’t fit.

  • I exercise constantly but weigh more.

  • The scale is mean.

  • I’ve tried every diet.

  • My partner says they don’t care how I look, but I do.”

Help me lose weight!

Food, Allergies, & Gut Health

What comes before determines what happens after. Your food matters in surprising, unknown ways.

Bloating, constipation, stomach pain…these things might be typical for you, but they’re not normal.

I want to enjoy food again!

Hormones & Women's Health

Your thyroid controls your metabolism.

If it’s not working correctly, your entire body is out of balance. 

I want hormonal balance!

Functional Blood Chemical Analysis (FBCA)

Scientific Facts for Natural Healing

Do you know it’s possible, and probably likely, that your health symptoms and the cause of your inflammation, pain, or illness are coming from different parts of your body?

Do you know traditional blood tests measure normal (i.e., pathological) ranges instead of optimal function levels?

Functional Blood Chemical Analysis (FBCA) finds the source(s) of your seemingly endless and undiagnosed inflammation, pain, or illness by tracking patterns in your blood that indicate system dysfunction.

FBCA is a roadmap to restoring system function because it:

  • Identifies health risks

  • Reveals early warning signs

  • Uncovers nutritional deficiencies specific to your blood

  • Monitors optimal functional ranges instead of normal ranges used to prescribe medicine or surgery

FBCA tells us how to ignite your body’s natural ability to get and stay well.

It starts with one blood draw at a lab near you. 

​Tell Me How FBCA Heals


  • BA, Business Management, New York Institute of Technology

  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Life University

  • Licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association

  • Certificate, Bloodwork Analysis, Blood Chemistry University

  • Certificate, Graduate Study (300 hours), Functional Medicine University

  • Twelve years of continuing education units (CEUs), Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine

  • Two-year Life Sciences course, Natural Health Association

  • Eight-month Mentorship, Kalish Institute

  • Three-month Adrenal Glands Boot Camp, Kalish Institute


Apply functional chemical blood analysis to inform and empower you to live a life without pain, misdiagnoses, or ineffective medical interventions.


There is at least one root cause for every symptom.

Our bodies can repair themselves when we remove interferences.

Everyone deserves permanent solutions for optimal health.

Healthcare facilities and regulated delivery methods can negatively impact care.

Patients respond faster to virtual healthcare received in the comfort and privacy of their preferred locations. 

Stop Living in Pain No Matter Where You Live!
Down the street or across the country, help starts now.

My services are 100% virtual!

I send Zoom links, and you get healthier in the comfort and privacy of your preferred setting.

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